Monday, March 5, 2018

From Mandocello to Pandocello

Making a little art really helps the mood.  Scott is working on a sculpture and a Mandocello.  The Mandocello is made incorporating a vintage metal bedpan.  A one of a kind pandocello  Really.  He strung it last night and the sound is really good.  That guy.  After all the years I still marvel at his abilities.   Hoping to get him to write some stuff.  How to do it and how come things are the way they are and what to think about it.  Of course he can write too.
Thinking about this blog, I am planning to publish some how to do it and how I do it and stuff like that.
Till next time, make something.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Art and more art.


noun: art; plural noun: arts; plural noun: the arts
"We Three"
  1. 1.
    the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
Oh yeah.  Really.

Does that mean that art is only art if it is considered beautiful?  What others consider pretty?  A literal copy of God’s world?  The more realistic the better?  What about matching the couch?  And when does art become the pursuit of money, turning artists into hurried successful prostitutes?  Knock it out and get paid.  

Don't think so.  

Art is truth.  Art is a lie.  Art is personal.  If one can breathe a soul into something then that one is an artist.  Because art must live.

Nancy Ann and Muffie and Rowena

We all know Nancy Ann Storybook dolls and we all know Muffie the doll but who knows Rowena? Rowena was "The Doll Lady".  R...