Tuesday, February 20, 2018

It's Alive

"Hello" Jean Longone
 It's alive. The web site lives.  http://www.StableArtStudio.com.  A few glitches yet to attend to but totally on line which is the most important thing.  You know, back in the eighties when I got my first commodore 64 I thought the world was on the blink of change. Wow. It was so cool and oh the possibilities. Long time ago.  Now I sit at my mac and wow, the possibilities.  Art has changed.  I have changed. I can make websites, topography, logos, darkroom free photography, even draw and paint electronically, make images that move, no end to it all.  The power.   Technology has grown smarter and faster and smaller and more mainstream..  Meanwhile, I, on the other hand have just grown slower and heavier and older.  Although never mainstream, I have become even less so now a days.  No mainstream for me.  For all the excitement and expectations digital offers, I still feel a need to make art the old way. No sweeter perfume than turpentine and linseed oil.

Nancy Ann and Muffie and Rowena

We all know Nancy Ann Storybook dolls and we all know Muffie the doll but who knows Rowena? Rowena was "The Doll Lady".  R...